Photography by Bruna Gomes from Dupe
With how easy it is to get a glimpse of other people's routines through social media, one can easily fall into the trap of copying and pasting the exact same routines and think that doing so will lead to getting the exact same progress at the same pace.
While we're great fans of taking inspiration, this often leads us to believe that what we see is all there is or that we're bound to get the same results if we replicate routines to a tee. That belief can lead to disappointment when things don't turn out as expected. Aside from that, we leave the journey of finding what will contribute to our growth unexplored.
Here's how you can finetune your routines to make them work best for you, according to common trouble points:
The workout slump
Image from Simply Skin
You might relate if: You're starting your physical wellness journey; whenever you feel tired of your workout routines to the point where you're demotivated
Try: Breaking the misconception that you only have to follow one form of movement to get the best results— try switching it up from gym workouts to yoga. If you enjoy a great jam-out session, try out aerobic dancing. When you need to slow down, walks are great ways to get the body moving, too!
Results: Not feeling restricted to one routine and giving yourself excitement to keep pursuing your journey to physical wellness.
Repeated creative ruts
Image from Simply Skin
You might relate if: your lifestyle requires constant problem-solving and creativity; you're stumped for inspiration
Try: Taking intentional breaks to refresh, whether that's five minutes of thinking of something completely different from what you're doing or going for a power nap (it works!)
Results: Honing the mindset that pushing yourself to create won't always give the best results, instead, pouring your energy into something that will replenish or give you the fuel you need to carry on.
Skin progress plateauing
Image from Simply Skin
You might relate if: you feel like your skincare routine requires a boost; your skin place doesn't quite give you the results you deserve
Try: Invest in personalized facials that are specifically designed to address your skin needs and priorities by well-trained skin experts (nurses and medical-allied specialists!) using the best laser treatment technology and no-pricking facial techniques.
Results: Progress you can see and feel in every session where you know that your resources, time, and energy go into something great for you and your skin.
Growth— According To You
Like painting in an art class with a single subject matter, we're all still bound to have different ways to go about growth. Yes, we might have the same subjects, but every stroke, detail included, or interpretation varies when you take a deeper look.